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Balinese spiced chicken recipe from Indonesian

Now, we will share the recipe for making bali chicken
Balinese seasoning chicken or also known as Bali chicken is actually a variant of Balinese seasoning with the main ingredients of chicken, there are many Balinese condiments such as Balinese seasoning eggs, Balinese seasoning tofu, Balinese beef spices and so forth.
The advantages of this Balinese seasoning are its spicy and savory taste, and its bright red color will tempt anyone to eat it.
Here are the ingredients and how to cook Balinese chicken
The ingredients for making bali chicken consist of:
* 1 chicken, cut according to taste.
* 1 cm of galangal which is crushed.
* 2 bay leaves.
* 3 pieces of orange leaf.
* 2 tomatoes each piece rather small.
* 2 tablespoons soy sauce.
* 200 ml coconut milk.
Softened seasoning :
* 7 red chilies.
* 5 shallots.
*  4 cloves garlic.
* 2 cm ginger.
* 3 candlenuts.
How to make:
* Chicken that has been cut and cleaned and given salt, let stand a moment, then fried half cooked, set aside.
* Saute the spice paste until fragrant, add galangal, bay, orange leaves, tomatoes and soy sauce.
* Add the fried chicken, add coconut milk and cook until the tomatoes are crushed and seasoning seep into the chicken.
* Balinese chicken is ready to be served with a sprinkling of fried onions on it.

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