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Recipe for Making Goat Fried Rice, Buyers Really Like it

Goat fried rice is a very delicious food, compared to ordinary fried rice it tastes much more delicious goat fried rice. The price can be 2 to 3 times chicken fried rice (normal), if ordinary fried rice costs 1 dollar, then ordinary goat fried rice is sold 2-3 dollars per serving.
No wonder because the price of goat meat is far more expensive than the price of chicken meat, and it tastes much better and can increase appetite.
The following is a Goat Fried Rice Recipe, Seasoning Ingredients and How to make Goat Fried Rice
Goat Fried Rice Ingredients
* 400 grams, white rice
* 200 grams, young mutton, diced
* 2 tablespoons, cooking oil
* 1 tsp, samin oil
* 3 stems, chives, roughly cut
* 2 pieces of cabbage / cabbage, roughly cut
* 1 fruit, Tomato, roughly cut
Goat Fried Rice Seasoning
* 3 cloves, Garlic
* 5 eggs, shallots
* 2 pieces, Red chili
* 3 pieces of Cayenne Pepper
* 1/2 tsp, ground pepper
* 2 tablespoons, soy sauce, sweet
* Salt to taste
* Sugar, to taste
Ingredients for Goat Fried Rice
* Fried shallots, to taste
* Raw pickles (cucumbers, carrots, pineapple, and chillies / cayenne peppers)
* Shrimp crackers may use fish crackers
How to Make Goat Fried Rice
1. Heat the cooking oil in the pan, after the cooking oil is hot then saute the spices until fragrant.
2. Enter the mutton slices, samin oil and cabbage. Stir well. Cover the frying pan, cook until the meat is soft.
3. Add the other ingredients, cook until the spices seep while stirring.
4. Serve warm for 3 servings
The special way to make goat fried rice and is loved by buyers

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