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Asian Potato Cakes Recipes

Potato cakes are processed foods from potatoes that are very simple and favored by the Indonesian people. These potato cakes are usually used as a side dish at home and food stalls around us, and they are even used as a menu for MC Donald, you know, because of their popularity.
Potato cakes are made from potatoes as the main ingredient, while the seasonings consist of shallots, garlic, pepper and salt.
The way of making it is very easy, simple, because it does not require a mixture of other ingredients. Starting from peeled potatoes then sliced ​​and then fried. Then pound it with the spices and then fry it again, it's easy right?
Recipe for potato cakes as one of my favorite side dishes, of course I know how to make them.
One of the reasons potato cakes are popular besides their delicious taste is that they are easy to obtain and how to make them easy.
Here's how to make simple potato cakes:
Ingredients  :
* 750 grams of potatoes.
*  1 egg
* ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
*  the oil for frying
* 1 celery stalk, finely sliced
Softened seasoning :
* 3 tablespoons fried onions
*  2 cloves of garlic
* ½ teaspoon pepper
* 1 teaspoon salt
How to make potato cakes:
Peel the potatoes then fry, then mash the potatoes until smooth.
Prepare a container, then mix the mashed potatoes with the spices that have been mashed, add nutmeg powder and sliced ​​celery leaves.
The potato dough was rounded and slightly elongated, set aside
Beat off the eggs, then dip the potato mixture that has been formed earlier into the egg
Fry the potato mixture until cooked and brown.
Remove, and the potato cakes are ready to serve.
These potato cakes are usually served as a side dish to eat with rice, they taste very good to eat as a side dish, even though I actually often eat them without rice too.
Oh yes, serve it with delicious chili sauce

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