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Minangkabau and Padang Rendang Recipes

Rendang is the original dish of the Padang / Minangkabau region, West Sumatra. Rendang can be made from the main ingredients of meat, eggs, chicken, tempeh and others.
Although the main ingredients vary but the seasonings are relatively the same, in some areas in Minang it does have its own characteristics but the main seasoning is the same.
Many rendang is made from sliced ​​meat cooked with spices and coconut milk, then boiled over low heat for hours until the marinade seeps into the meat. Usually the time to cook rendang is more than 4 hours, the texture of the meat is soft and brown / black.
The taste of savory rendang, this dish is very popular with people all over the archipelago because of its deliciousness. Even recently, rendang has the title of the world's favorite food. Here is a recipe for making rendang.
Ingredients :
* 1 kg of lean meat, choose meat from the outer hamstrings of the beef, then cut it into 20-25 pieces, wash and drain.
* 3 grated old coconuts, made thick coconut milk
* One finger galangal, squashed
* 3 lemongrass stalks, crush the whites
* 3 deaf flowers
* 5 pieces of lime leaves
* 3 bay leaves
* 2 turmeric leaves, torn
Softened seasoning :
* 20 shallots
* 10 grains of garlic
* A thousand fingers (6 cm) of ginger
* 1ons ground red chilies
* Salt and pepper
Complementary seasonings:
* 1 tbsp milled serundeng coconut (grated coconut in a roasted until brown, then finely ground until the oil comes out)
* 1 tablespoon boiled beef liver, finely ground
* 1 tablespoon tamarind water
*  Salt to taste
* Sugar to taste
How to make :
* Cover the meat with the ground spices, let the meat water out. Unwind until the water dries up
* Pour the coconut milk, add galangal, lemongrass, deaf flower, lime leaves, bay leaves, and turmeric leaves.
* Stir the coconut milk using a scoop until it boils, taking care not to break the coconut milk. The buckling movement will prevent the coconut milk from breaking.
* Reduce the heat, cook until removing the oil, then add the complementary seasonings.
* Cook continuously, stirring occasionally so that it doesn't stick, until the rendang is powdery and brown.
* Serve rendang with white rice and a sprinkling of fried shallots.

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